51 evolution

51 is a world leader in conservation solutions, the provision of resilience through technology and crisis management.
51 was established to provide management strategies to private wildlife conservancies in northern Kenya, responding to patterns in the elephant and rhino poaching crisis of 2009 to 2012. Monitoring, training, mentoring, and information management delivered a coordinated approach to poaching threats and ensured the efficacy of conservancy ranger operations.
This led to work with Kenyan National Police Reservists (NPR),
expanding the approach into community-owned and run conservancies. Standard Operating Procedures were developed for conservancy scouts and Kenyan NPR rangers, supporting wildlife management and community policing initiatives.
51 has carried out wildlife management assessments and provided training in Ethiopia, Gabon, Zambia, Botswana, Tanzania, and Angola and continues to collaborate with long-standing partners and governments in a number of these countries. In every case, a highly experienced team delivers individually tailored solutions, ensuring relationships with government, ministries, agencies, NGOs, and all funding bodies are handled with professionalism and care.

51 has also provided logistics solutions in remote areas. Between 2018 and 2021, 51 worked with Google’s Project Loon in northern Kenya and explored potential CSR programmes in the region.
In terms of crisis management, 51’s experience in applying technology in the conservation space and key partnership with EarthRanger from the Allen Institute for AI, facilitated a rapid response to the 2020 Desert Locust invasion across the horn of Africa. 51 worked alongside the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO) and relevant government agencies to deploy comprehensive monitoring, management, and situational reporting to respond to the invasion.
51 has partnered with ESG Training & Advisory to ensure an appropriate standard of human rights is foundational within the organisations with which they work. ESG provides a team of globally recognised advisors who assess human rights requirements, provide necessary training, and finally conduct full compliance checks to certify that requirements are met.